Who we are.

"Embracing the unlearning"

Who is Washed?

    Washed is a collection of incredible women, from my formulations specialist to my graphic designer, all collaborating and making space for this new, yet ancient idea of sourcing from earth, taking only what we need, and reusing. But at the heart of it, it's only little old me. A mother, a hair stylist, a yoga teacher. Just doing what I felt called to.


How was Washed created?

Hey, I’m Alex, I’m the founder of Washed Movement.

As a nature enthusiast and lover of all things slow and conscious living, I've tried my best to keep waste down in my home and in my studio as a hair colourist.

But the more we learn, the better we do, right?

Adopting a zero waste mindset is a journey, but once you start seeing where you can cut waste, you can't stop seeing them - the law of attraction!

When I became a mother 4 years ago, I really noticed when all the 'stuff' coming into my home was wrapped in plastic and other waste. It sparked my interest further into all things intentional living.

Particularly how as a society, we can impact the plastic problem for future generations, through making small changes now.

When I started researching ways I could minimise my impact even further within my hair artistry business, I found several (quite new), eco warrior business' in other industries, running (what I now know as) 'circular economy' business...

Receiving empty refill packaging back from their customers, cleaning them, and refilling to reuse - all online! What an idea!

I searched some more, no such hair care in sight.

And so came about the first spark of an idea!

Fast-forward 3 years… we’ve stopped over 5000 single use plastic bottles from entering homes and, inevitably, landfill or our waterways.

I've also learned soooo much and now have so much more I want to offer in the way of intentional consumption.

We just placed GOLD in both shampoo and conditioner categories in the Australian Clean and Conscious Awards + got an editors pick! The awards are judged on all things clean and conscious; ingredients, sustainability and ethical practices.

I was so honoured to read the judged beautiful comments on our brand.

I truly believe that circular business structure is the way of the future, and I'm so grateful and humbled to be a part of the movement.

What is the true essence of Washed?

Washed isn’t a result of me being the pinnacle of an environmental warrior, as nice as that would be to wave around, I don’t ride my bike everywhere or say no to every plastic toy that lights up my kids face. I’m just a person, on a journey (just like you), during which I felt a deep knowing, that the normalisation of waste that we’ve created over the last century or more, is anything but normal.

Washed was created and continues to evolve from this place - simply deciding to be a part of the unlearning and awakening of our generation. To offer something so simple, that in years gone, would have been just part of the ritual… Reuse. Refill. Reuse. From a time when Mother Earth wasn't separate from us but part of our processes.

Connected, conscious, cared for.

This unlearning and unbecoming we are doing right now , I believe, will be the beginning of a healthier Earth, but also communities.

It's our connection back to Mother Earth, and with that, ourselves.

Take a step back towards yourself
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